
Now’s the Time to Take Full Advantage Presented to Your Trade-Related Company

Your company in your local service area needs to gain the proper exposure for what your business does, with the volume needed to bring in the revenue desired and to keep your techs’ calendars full.

We at MediaBus Marketing Have the Inbound Lead Generation Machine that Makes It All Go Smoothly.

When you are able to correctly identify the target audiences that would best be served by you AND be profitable to your bottom line, we have found the best way to minimize marketing campaign ineffectiveness. You don’t have to wallow in low-quality, low chance of conversion leads sources.

The more precise the better off your CTR percentages and Click-to-Acquisition ratios will be.

Google's Still the Biggest Beast Ya Gotta Dance With

For your locally-centered business you can optimize and dominate your wanted service related keywords and phrases for your industry in your area.

Google's Profiles, Listings and Ads

Can all be customized so that you can show up towards the top of the list when someone searches for, “_______ near me.” When you properly position yourself on Google, it can do all the work for you!

Google and Social is a Good Start… But There is More

Your Social Media Campaigns

The Lead Generation System is specifically created for your locally-owned company - Ads, Boosted Posts, Videos, Reels and Text Content Creation all produced, managed and gauged by us here at MediaBus Marketing Group. We report to you on a weekly basis the progress being made.

The Cost-Effective Marketing Component

The leads that can be the lifeblood of your trade company, can be consistently coming in for your sales to capture, schedule, and close. Your company can enjoy a flow of qualified leads ready to schedule and buy immediately.

There Is More to Be Had at This “Discoteque”

While many locally centered businesses can do fine with just the Social and Google connected to a lead gen system, we don’t leave it just there and rest on our haunches –

Voice Search Placement

With the advent of in-home personal voice activated consoles and phones like Alexa and Siri you need to have an effective presence there as well. Voice search profiles and placement make your company discoverable from all the largest sources that can be used in and outside the home to have your potential customers and clientele find you.

A Fully Complete Lead Gen System Package

The Whole Lead Gen Sha-Bang

The opportunity is now, the moment to compete and beat those Other Guys with their burdensome national budgets and conglomerate out-of-state mumbo-jumbo - do it in the way your customers best want to find you.

Leads, Onboarding, Setup, Exposure, Closed Sales

Everything needs to be up and ready in just the right way for this Lead Gen Machine to work as smoothly and seamlessly as possible from the get-go.

We at MediaBus Marketing Group have a Pre-Setup Analysis that we can perform for free to see if your business is ready to have your company’s lead generation system plugged in.

Get the Process Started, Contact Us Here

To Get the Momentum Going…

The Most Effort to Do So is at the Very Beginning

Get the rock rolling with the momentum that a properly positioned lead generation campaign can do for your company. Whether you are at the beginning, wet behind the ears so to speak, or you are a grizzled veteran of the Small Business trenches, the help for these lead-capturing campaigns is now at hand –

… You have the traffic, coming in, the main QUESTION now is; do you have in place those capabilities that can capture, gain, maintain, and retain those customers that are in this Lead Generation Funnel?

We’ve Got Ya Covered!


build your results-capturing money-making machine

We have each functionality needed that allows a company to guide its customers through its online sales cycle.

  • Drive interest to the site ready to capture

  • Guide them through the thorough buying process navigating to Calls to Action

  • Keep them coming back & referring those they know, building your community



Get Started Today on Your Own Lead Generation System

Contact Us