The Principles of Social Marketing
THE BASIC STEPS OF SOCIAL are nothing like rocket science, nor as hard to do as brain surgery however it is NOT a walk in the park as some online might think. In fact, the Social Marketing Profession is a delicate balance of the artistic appeal with the statistical measurement of gaining the targeted Ideal Customer. Striking and maintaining that social balance is a finely-honed skill that takes years to master.
To get the results you want from your web site, partner with MediaBus Marketing Group and gain from their well-earned expertise for that balance for your company! Below is what’s all involved with the right Social Marketing Mix.
The Basic Steps of Social
As you gain the inclination to connect on a deeper level with those who keep your doors open, and seek to be where they are spending the bulk of their free time, and how they are looking to gather their world views and information, the need to have an effective Social Presence becomes a vital part of your Marketing Mix. Today’s consumer is shedding the old traditions and expectations for your company have never been higher to do Social correctly. Find Out More on the Steps each company must undertake.
Creation & Setup
The Creation and Set Up steps you need to take are all depending on the Target Audience Analysis you must perform to know just how and what to use to target those with which you want to do business. What you create and where you set it all up is predicated on who and where your Ideal Client is, and getting this right is crucial to the remaining success of your Social Marketing. Get this wrong and you might as well call it and go home:
Design & Placement
As a company sets to design the Campaigns of their Integrated Marketing System, the need to have the right communication vehicles i.e. text graphics, videos, articles, flash presentations etc. that are best utilized in the Social space that you want to be a part of. And the placement of each linked communication vehicle, assuming you have done the Target Audience Analysis correctly will be easy to set into place, and make ‘live’. Each Social Portal and their established networks are where you are going to be looking to connect with and get in front of those who would be your customers. And when you automate and set a schedule for content refreshment or additions it is the best of both worlds!
Implementation & Improvement
Each action you and your company takes, regardless if it is Social, Online or Traditional has to have a purpose, a clearly communicated “Next” and a measurable desired result. This most definitely can be accomplished on Social when you implement the campaigns you have created and designed with your Client in mind. Keep a close eye or ear to those results, if they are the ones you are desiring, then all is well; if they are not, then look at the data, the feedback and the points of failure that is hindering accomplishing that goal. Search to continually improve your messaging, processes and customer service efforts. Include those Surveys and Polls that give you the feedback you need, and the data you can use to conclude your directions and results.
Continuation & Ramping Up
And in the interest of continuing your successes, look for the best ways to increase your volumes of viewers, fans/followers/connections and their engagement with your brand’s products and services. In quite a few cases, companies need to look at how they can best ramp up their results, whether it is with loyalty campaigns (repeat business) or in referral rewards programs (referring one’s friends) or getting in front of enough new potential customers to increase the sales revenues received. You can also look at the point of purchase process and how streamlined that is to bolster your revenue growth. And if demand is such to justify the “Scarcity” strategy you can increase the sales price of your product or service (the Apple Model) which will result in that wanted increase. Never forgetting what brought you to the point of success and do nothing to “break the money making machine” you have put into place.
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It… Here’s what others are saying:
“I knew I had to be on Facebook, but didn’t know how to go about it. Your graphic design work looked fantastic and I am getting all sorts of compliments on the cover photo. And how you refreshed my logo was great as well.”
“Thank you for getting our Facebook page ready to have people looking for our product line to get a break with their maternity costs. When you clarified what they can do when they get to the page, it increased our leads by 18% in one week!”
“We are getting out our message of how people can change their lifestyle for the better and our Facebook presence is connecting with tons of people!”
“Our community sales efforts was helped when we were able to give what we have on Facebook to answer questions, thanks again!”