The Online Content Craft
As one tries to get out their content in the traditional sense, public relations, article placement, stories in the local news, etc. is a complicated set of tasks. On the other hand, doing so online is much easier to undertake and do correctly. What constitutes Content Placement, or as it has become known Content Marketing on the web also changes continually with the new trends, apps, and usage of these communication tools on the web. One major difference between the traditional and the online versions of getting eyes on one’s content is how personable it has become on the ‘Net.
No longer do you need to wait for the grumpy editor to place your press release in a local business section. All you do is set up the right AI Agent to spread it across to the right places where your target audience spends their time. You can also plug into those types of ad networks that work with longer-form content (articles and videos) and get them in the spots online so that they can gain traffic to your website and clicks on what you have to say.
Additionally, getting out the word includes the tried and true methods of Email Marketing. As in all a company does, keeping their content production relevant to their thriving customer base, and timely with what’s happening in the marketplace an ongoing email newsletter can produce a constant flow of sales leads both inbound and outbound. It is gaining the right combination of these that will continue to be a “can’t miss” event with even an email that consumers look forward to.
Getting Out the Word
Sometimes business owners and corporations alike think of Content Placement as this nebulous unknown that can be grouped in with billboards and flying airplane banners as it was in the past. But to handle your Content PR correctly does take time, the development of relationships (both online and off), and the upholding of the true essence of what is being communicated. Online you can gain for yourself the reputation you want by the rightful placement of what your company and brand are doing.
Global Reach
With the right aggregators and AI Agents, what you are placing out there can have a global reach. Especially those messages that capture the generally appealing humor or sentimental disposition of those being exposed to what you are saying.
Personal Touch
As much as we can have what we release go global (with the viral factor) we can also influence the local area as well. Because the leads will not come in as they could if you were able to bring to the forefront the Ready-to-Use info as you should include Juicy Morsels that can be used right out of the shoot to their benefit, while at the same time not giving away the proverbial farm. These items of information can be picked up through your local area networks and info portals (local online newspapers):
Info Advertising
Disseminating your messaging and the happenings within and outside your company is a great way to create good relations with those in the news-making industries as well as making it known to those around you, looking to do business with your company, more aware of your directions and actions. Take advantage of the market share-capturing potential that Content Marketing has for your company! Learn how the recent rise of everything social can be utilized to brand, create loyalty, and generate sales for your company.
People like being guided along the process. Whether it’s a movie, a how-to tutorial, or a sales pitch. They want to be coming up with why not’s (and not having any success) rather than for your company coming up with the why’s. Having a clear call to action in all you do, and put out to the public may sound simple but is rarely done properly. Get this wrong and you might as well call it a day and go home.
Generating the Buzz
These activities on the Content Marketing Side of things are usually viewed as FREE of Charge. While most are, and given the right relationships with influencers, editors, and new providers this can be a very cost-effective strategy. But in the interest of creating the Positive Buzz you want and need for your brand, don’t let expense be a determining factor on which action you take here. The larger online PR services aren’t free, but more importantly, they are effective in getting placement on the larger news networks out there. Craft your Content as you would a snow castle in late February – Quickly, with urgency, knowing that one wrong turn of your hand or the sun could be bringing it all back to square one.
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It… Here’s what others are saying:
“With you working the articles, the content aggregators, ai agents and the angles of getting them placed, we were able to track the traffic increases over the course of 3 months in a 32% gain.”
“Gaining traction with the online public relations strategies for our clients was one of the best ways to get out the word, thanks to your management, we were able to spread the word a lot!”